How To Check Bank Of  Baroda Main Account Balance By Missed Call And Account Mini Statement By Missed Call

Bank of Baroda (BOB) Account Balance Enquiry & Mini Statement||by Missed Call and SMS Missed Call Facility Bank of Baroda ||How To Check Bank Of  Baroda Main Account Balance By Missed Call ||How To Check Bank Of Baroda Account Mini Statement By Missed Call

Just give a Missed Call for Basic Account Enquiries

Missed Call Facility

To provide hassle free and convenient banking services to customer by leveraging technology, Bank has introduced Missed Call facility for Balance Inquiry. All customers who have registered their mobile number can get the balance of their accounts by just giving a missed call from their registered mobile number to : 8468001111

Bank of Baroda Account Balance Check

Bank of Baroda, sometimes referred to as BoB, is a public sector Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Vadodara, Gujarat. The bank derives its name from the city of Baroda, now Vadodara, where it was founded by Maharaja of Baroda and Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III in 1908. It has over 5,500 branches and 10,000 ATMs in India. Bank of Baroda (BoB) has branches in 24 countries across the world. As the tagline indicates, it is truly India’s International Bank.

Bank of Baroda Account Balance Check

Balance enquiry is one of the basic transactions that account holders carry out for different reasons. Bank of Baroda allows its customer to check their account balance in the ways listed here:

Passbook: A passbook is the simplest way for account holders to check their account balance. However, they need to get their passbooks updated by visiting the bank regularly to ensure that their Bank of Baroda account passbook reflects the current balance at all times.

ATM-cum-debit Card: Account holders can use their ATM cards to visit the ATM for Bank of Baroda account balance check. Here are the steps they need to follow:
  • Swipe the card in the slot
  • Enter their 4-digit ATM PIN
  • Select “Balance Enquiry” from the options listed on the screen
  • Complete the transaction after viewing the balance displayed on the screen

SMS: Bank of Baroda customers can use their registered mobile numbers to receive their account balance via SMS from the bank. They only need to send an SMS to 8422009988 in a specific format. The bank will reply with an SMS with the account balance of the customer. The customers can also request a mini statement and cheque status by using this facility. Charges are applicable for the Bank of Baroda SMS Banking service.

SMS Banking :

So to get the mini statement of your Bank of Baroda Account, all you have to do is that you have to send a message and it will be done. It should be noted that you must have subscribed to the SMS banking before you can actually use this facility to get your mini statement for your bank account. Here are the details of the SMS Keyword

Keyword to Activate SMS Banking :

ACT<space><Last 4 Digit of Account>

This message needs to be sent on 8422009988 to activate your SMS Banking. 

Missed Call Service: If you are a Bank of Baroda customer, you can avail their missed call service. All you need to do is to call 8468001111 from your registered mobile number. The bank will send your account balance in an SMS. This is a free service that is available to Bank of Baroda customers 24×7 so that they can know their account balance irrespective of their physical location.
It is also possible to check the mini statement on your mobile by giving a missed call from the registered mobile number. So to get the mini statement, simply give a missed call on 8468001111. The call will automatically be disconnected after a few rings and you will receive the mini statement on your phone via SMS.

Keyword to get Mini Statement via SMS Banking 

MINI<space><Last 4 Digit of Account>
This message needs to be sent on 8422009988 to get Mini Statement on your phone.

All these messages need to be sent via registered mobile number. If you do not have a mobile number registered with the bank then you would have to visit the bank and get the number registered.
A Bank of Baroda customer can avail this service for a maximum of 5 times per day. If the customer has multiple accounts with the bank then the bank will send a maximum of 320 characters (2 messages) to the customer. For balance check of other accounts, the customer may have to use other Bank of Baroda account balance check services.

Internet Banking: When customers open an account with Bank of Baroda, they can apply for the net banking service with the bank. The bank issues a user Id and password that the customer can use to log into the bank’s net banking website. Once logged in, the customer can set their own password and start using the net banking services. The customers who only want to check their account balance can choose to register for the “View facility” and the customers that want to carry out transactions can register for the “Transaction facility.”

Bank of Baroda net banking service enables them to carry out a range of banking transactions such as balance enquiry, account statement, funds transfer, bill payment, etc. online without the need to visit the bank. The customers do not even need to be in a particular location to use the net banking facility. They only need an internet connection and a browsing device such as a smartphone, tablet, notebook or desktop computer.

M Passbook: Bank of Baroda mPassbook mobile app gives the account holders a chance to view their account balance using their mobile apps easily. The mPassbook keeps a record of all the transactions carried out by the customer similar to a physical passbook. Customers that have their mobile numbers registered with the bank can avail this service. In addition to balance check, the customers can also download their account statements, locate a Bank of Baroda ATM within the 10km vicinity, tag the transactions for future reference. The mPassbook app is available in 8 languages. The app synchronises and updates automatically whenever the customer opens the app.

Mobile Banking App: Bank of Baroda M-Connect Plus is the new and improved version of the Bank of Baroda M-Connect mobile banking app. The new app has a great user interface and offers a wide range of features to the customers. They can link their Savings account, PPF, current account, cash credit account, and overdraft account in the app. The customer can check their account balance, download account statement, transfer funds within their own accounts, carry out third-party transfers, eyc

The call made to the above number will automatically disconnect after first ring. Customer will then receive an SMS giving the last four digit of account and current balance of accounts.

Main features of this facility are as under

  • This facility is free of cost.
  • This facility is available 24X7.
  • Balance of accounts under Saving Bank (SB), Current Account (CA), Overdraft (OD) and Cash Credit (CC) will be provided through this facility.
  • Customer may have more than one account with same mobile number. In that case SMS of maximum length of 320 characters (2 SMSs) will be sent to customers. For remaining accounts, customer can avail the SMS Banking Services or call our Contact Centre.
  • Customer can avail this facility maximum 3 times in a day


How to Get Bank of Baroda (BOB) Mini Statement on Mobile||How To Check Bank Of Baroda Account Balance And Mini Statement || Missed Call Banking Numbers for Balance Enquiry & Mini Statement || Bank of Baroda Balance Check Number, Mini Statement & Process (2019) || How to Get Bank of Baroda Mini statement By Missed call and SMS || Bank of Baroda (BOB) Account Balance Enquiry & Mini Statement || by Missed Call and SMS Missed Call Facility Bank of Baroda||How To Check Bank Of  Baroda Main Account Balance By Missed Call -||How To Check Bank Of Baroda Account Mini Statement By Missed Call

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