Viklang Vyaktio ne Sadhan Sahay Apvani Yojana Full Details In Gujarati-

Viklang Vyaktio ne Sadhan Sahay Apvani Yojana Full Details In Gujarati-

The scheme for providing resource assistance to the handicapped has been implemented from Resolution No. EDB / 1 / RPA / 6, dt.

Individuals with a disability greater than 5 percent and non-skilled, visionary and hearing-impaired persons aged 5 to 5 years are employed for the purpose of providing relief to their disability or for the purpose of rehabilitation (disability); Embroidery, broomstick and basket maker, beauty parlor, papal industry, vegetable-fruit sale R, cloth ferry handcuffs, cutlery-hosiery handcrafted sellers, cutlery-hosiery bicycles sellers, salt-pellet grocery sellers, lari pullers, egg lorry, ferry cloths, blankets, IceCandy ferry, bicycle repair (without bicycle), psyche repair (with bicycle), wireman, plumbing work, saddle work, electronics repairs. Inga work, painting / Painting / sign board, bricklayers, work, auto repairing, hand pump repairing, tea equipment, Milk Yogurt, Cold Drink Sales, Caterers (Culinary Work), Pan-Bidi Sales, Hair Work, Drum-hauling Equipment, Light Decorator, blacksmith work, carpentry work, eye-dyeing, bicycles, computer repairing and helping handicapped persons with disabilities. Towing, Wheelchair for Aluminum, Dumping Aluminum, Calipers, Hearing Aid to the Deaf Ape and Other Instrument Assistance, Music for the Blind Adhano, folding stick, Braille kit, mandabudhdhini MR for someone Child kit For this, equipment assistance is allowed in the limit of Rs. 5,7 / - charged by the Government. This assistance is available to persons with disabilities with annual income of Rs. Computer repairing and assisting the handicapped with a disability such as a tricycle, folding wheelchair, aluminum alloy wheels, calipers, hearing aids for deaf marine person and other equipment, blinded wheels for low speed, lightweight wheels. Child kit For this, equipment assistance is allowed in the limit of Rs. 5,7 / - charged by the Government. This assistance is available to persons with disabilities with annual income of Rs. Computer repairing and assisting the handicapped with a disability such as a tricycle, folding wheelchair, aluminum alloy wheels, calipers, hearing aids for deaf marine person and other equipment, blinded wheels for low speed, lightweight wheels. Child kit For this, equipment assistance is allowed in the limit of Rs. 5,7 / - charged by the Government. This assistance is available to persons with disabilities with annual income of Rs.

Through which individuals with disabilities can compete independently in their daily lives, students can attend school as well as adults can make their own employment easier.

Resolution No. of Social Justice and Empowerment Department: Annual income limit has been increased from Rs. 1/2 / NB / 6 / 6-6, dt.

Resolution No. of Social Justice and Empowerment Department: Apg / 1/2 / Nb / 6/6, Ta-1-1-2 to 4 to 4 plus four tools have been added.

In the scheme of Handicapped Equipment Assistance, the unit cost of equipment has been increased from Resolution No .: TAP-1/2/3 Rupees-K, dt.

Resolution Notification of Social Justice and Empowerment Department in the Disability Resource Assistance Scheme: Annual Income Limit from Rs. 1/2/3 / A-2, dt. 1 / - has been done.

Resolution No. of the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment: AP / 1/2/3 / 6-6, dt. Annual Income Limit has been removed from 1-4-8.

Scheme for providing resource assistance to persons with disabilities || Viklang Vyaktio ne Sadhan Sahay Apvani Yojana Full Details In Gujarati-

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